Friday, November 09, 2007

Where's The Director & The Call From The Guild

I often have the tendency to frame the events of my life into stereotypical frameworks found in common plotlines in television and film. Part of my issues come from the fact that I am waiting for some grand moment to occur so I recognize the cue to move on with life. Sooner or later, I expected the sun to shine in one specific spot or to hear angels sing for my one eureka moment. Thank God I realized I just need to make things happen for myself and that my life is not some foundation for a Sundance film entry.

Just as I am discarding that dangerous outlook, life keeps trying to convince me that my original way of thinking wasn't that far off. My father's outburst of emotion was just the beginning of the latest installment. I finally got to see my sister after a couple of months in absentia only to learn that just that afternoon good ol' dad had sent her an e-mail about her being "ambivalent". Why the hell should she be taking the impetus upon herself to talk with the man who abandoned her for most of her formative years? And wants us all to have dinner together? What?!?!?!?!? If the writers decide to strike the rumors state, maybe I can offer some per diem work to one or two and they can write me something more manageable.

If that wasn't surreal enough, my sister's mom called while I was there and asked to speak to me. I've been in this woman's company no more than a dozen times and I can't remember any of them except for one time in her house in Florida. This is the woman who asked my father to break up his marriage. And after 26 years she wants to talk to me. And of course, with the script, she made the most sense. It was a surreal conversation, but somehow cathartic for both of us. I shared the perspectives on Dad that I don't think my Mom could handle or is even aware of since my sister has given me privileged information. And she gave me a mandate to help my sister and dad to reconcile to some happy medium. In all the momentum of craziness, I totally took it on.

These are the times I wish I had more drama in my life as I was growing up then it wouldn't seem so weird. Some people just seem to roll with the punches but they all had some abnormal part of my life. I had the archetypal good upbringing. Both parents, regular church attendance. Except for some financial issues and one or two health scares, nothing really monumental really rocked me growing up. Now all this stuff is happening. I know it's not all deep. I'm lucky I lived life and know some skills to try to guide me through the situation. It still doesn't mean I can't be stunned about the whole ordeal.

I just wish this drama was catered sometimes

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