Saturday, August 13, 2005

Oh What A Wonderful Week

Do you ever have a seven day period where everything seems to just flow together? Where even the bad stuff that happens actually doesn't bother you too much; it's more like a necessary part that allows the rest of your week to have cohesion. Such was my experience this week. Class went well and is now over. (Goodbye physics! Hello Organic Chemistry!) I had wonderful interactions with a host of different people this week. Got a great haircut (Thanks China) Saw a great movie (Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. Can I just say that Johnny Depp does one of the best Michael Jackson impressions ever and for that he is solidified as the best actor of this generation). Did some great shopping. Went to a great party that sounded like my dream MP3 list. Just utter beauty. I might have had a shoe thrown at my crotch. I might have had a puch to my schnozz. I might have been riding the some kids legs as he thrashed about trying to get out of a hold. But it was all worth it. I didn't even feel uncomfortable when I was getting hit on by a guy. And I still got one more day left in it. So I'm gonna enjoy this mutha for all its worth

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